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Brand Strategy

A brand strategy is the absolute foundation that every ambitious company should have. What are your values? On what pillars does your brand stand? How should you behave and communicate? At Barney Studio, we dive into these very questions. By doing so, we will create a brand that will effectively appeal to your target audience and differentiate you from the competition. This will make it easy for you to earn easily even 20%* more revenue than your competitors.

*Study from:

We create your brand strategy as follows:

01. Discovery and Research

We deeply explore your brand, its values, mission, and target audience. Thorough research uncovers industry insights, competitors, and trends.

02. Define Brand Essence

Identifying and defining your brand’s core attributes, values, and personality traits that make it unique and resonate with the audience.

03. Brand Storytelling

Developing a compelling brand narrative that communicates your brand’s story, purpose, and value proposition, fostering an emotional connection.

04. Brand Personality & Voice

We establish your brand’s personality, tone of voice, and communication style, ensuring consistency and relatability across touchpoints.

05. Visual Identity Expression

If applicable, we translate your Brand DNA into a visually captivating identity with a logo, colors, typography, and visual elements that align with your essence.

06. Brand Experience Design

Crafting a holistic brand experience, considering all touchpoints, from your website to packaging, ensuring consistency and memorable interactions.

07. Brand Guidelines

Creating comprehensive guidelines for consistent brand expression, covering visual elements, tone of voice, and brand values.

08. Brand Evolution & Adaptation

Continuously monitoring brand performance, gather feedback, and make necessary adjustments to keep your brand aligned with its DNA.

At Barney Studio, at the end of the entire brand strategy process, we will deliver a comprehensive document so you know exactly what your brand is. We capture the essence of your uniqueness so you'll always know how to differentiate yourself from the competition. Not only by what communication elements, but also by the activities, or in other words actions, that you do as a brand. Moreover, you can easily connect with your target groups.

Queer Lens Investing